- 1、Free pick up and drop off service from the train or bus station in Loudong.
2、Pick up from Taoyuan International Airport can be arranged.
3、Parking provided for a car at the Bed and Breakfast.
4、Tourist information provided
5、Barbecue facilities available and help in purchasing food for the barbecue if required. Barbecue cost is $500 per person including food and drinks. Children under 10 eat for free.
6、Rent out the whole Bed and Breakfast for family or business events:
High Season:35,600、Weekends:28,800、Weekdays:24,400、Extra bed:1,000
◎Food and Beverage Service
1、Kimpton Bed and Breakfast provides a light and tasty afternoon tea for all guests and a nutritious and delicious breakfast
2、Kimpton Bed and Breakfast provides free alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages from the refrigerator in the kitchen. We ask that all guests drink responsibly.
- Once you have confirmed the room reservation, please wire-transfer your deposit (30% of the room rate) within 2 days, or else your room will be released without notice.
Bank Name:E.Sun Bank(Luodong Branch)
Bank Code :808
Account Number:0451968126276
Account Name:WANG JING MIN
*After you wired the room rate to us, kindly fax the Wire-Transfer Confirmation Receipt and indicate
- 1、Check in:下午3點以後,Check out:上午11點以前。
3、為維護住宿品質及安全,請依房型人數進住,如需加人請事先告知。個人貴重物品,請自行妥善保管、如有遺失,恕不負責 ,敬請見諒。
8、不能破壞或攜出屋內用品及物品 (如傢具、家電、飾品等) ,否則照價賠償。
3、三天內取消訂房 (含更改天數及房間數) 恕不退訂金。【自住宿日起算】
5、住宿當日逢颱風或地震等不可抗拒因素 (以當地縣政府頒布狀況為準則) 時